Insured Wealth Management | Solutions for Retirement


Global Perspectives

Many Americans tend to assume we’re the greatest nation. After all, people from other countries are frequently trying to move here. For the most part, we have a strong economy, we’re well educated, we make decent money, and we have the NFL, NBA, and MLB for gosh sakes. The U.S.

Live Long And Dance

A recent study reveals that engaging in appropriate exercise after age 65 can help conditions such as back pain and arthritis. Even the Mayo Clinic claims that exercise can be effective at helping prevent and even treat a wide range of age-related health conditions.

“Life” Is Its Own Financial Variable

Retirement income is a common topic in the financial services industry, with 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day for the next 15 to 20 years.

Living And Working (And Thinking) In A Box

In the late 1970s sitcom “WKRP in Cincinnati,” news director Less Nessman would not acknowledge the presence of co-workers unless they simulated knocking on the door of his fake office. His “office” was merely a desk and chair with imaginary walls marked by tape on the floor.

The United States: For Richer And For Poorer

A recent Health and Retirement Study by the Brookings Institution found that life expectancy is rising more quickly for people at the highest ranks of socio-economic status, while declining or remaining static for those in the lower levels.

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